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Mosógépszerelők Budapesten

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Hűtőajtó fül sarkos DELTA 2251198061 , 2063368019

Hűtőajtó fül sarkos DELTA      2251198061 ,      2063368019
  • Hűtőajtó fül sarkos DELTA      2251198061 ,      2063368019
  • Hűtőajtó fül sarkos DELTA      2251198061 ,      2063368019
3 370 Ft (2 654 Ft+ÁFA)
Szállítás 1-2 munkanapon belül!
Fül hossza 160 mm
Rögzítő lyukak távolsága: 125 mm - 135 mm
Termékszám Rev szám Gyárt. dátuma Modell Márka Termékcsoport
1 923000443 00 20030425 OP67KS SATRAP Central ventilation
2 923000443 01 20040607 OP67KS SATRAP Central ventilation
3 923000452 00 20040415 OECOPLAN67KSA+ SATRAP Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
4 923000452 01 20040607 OECOPLAN67KSA+ SATRAP Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
5 923000462 00 20060731 OP67KSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
6 923000478 00 20090402 OP67KSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
7 923002601 00 20030317 464762_40083 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
8 923002601 01 20030318 464762_40083 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
9 923002602 00 20030425 OP50GS SATRAP Central ventilation
10 923002602 01 20030426 OP50GS SATRAP Central ventilation
11 923002605 00 20030801 TF050-IB NOVAMATIC Central ventilation
12 923002606 00 20030801 S60KA SELECLINE Upright freezers
13 923002608 00 20030801 526850_40171 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
14 923002615 00 20040415 OECOPLAN50GSA+ SATRAP Upright freezers
15 923002615 01 20040416 OECOPLAN50GSA+ SATRAP Upright freezers
16 923002616 00 20040517 350/451 LLOYDS Upright freezers
17 923002616 01 20050718 350/451 LLOYDS Upright freezers
18 923002616 02 20050719 350/451 LLOYDS Upright freezers
19 923002623 00 20050315 577802-2/40644 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
20 923002623 01 20050718 577802-2 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
21 923002623 02 20050719 577802-2 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
22 923002637 00 20061016 OP50GSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
23 923002637 01 20080505 OP50GSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
24 923002637 02 20080605 OP50GSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
25 923002637 03 20101208 50GSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
26 923002637 04 20101209 50GSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
27 923002637 05 20110504 50GSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
28 923002637 07 20120531 50GSA+ SATRAP Central ventilation
29 923002642 00 20060123 577802_40745 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
30 923002642 01 20060306 577802_41019 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
31 923002642 02 20060502 577802_41183 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
32 923002642 04 20080303 00577802_41495 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
33 923002642 05 20080825 00577802_ 41351 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
34 923002642 06 20091106 577.802-2 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
35 923002642 07 20091107 577.802-2 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
36 923002643 00 20060220 350_451_09 LLOYDS Upright freezers
37 923002643 01 20060306 350_451_09 LLOYDS Upright freezers
38 923002643 02 20060502 350_451_09 LLOYDS Upright freezers
39 923002643 04 20080303 350/451 LLOYDS Central ventilation
40 923002643 05 20080825 350/451 LLOYDS Central ventilation
41 923002644 00 20060327 HA600 HORN Upright freezers
42 923002644 01 20060619 HA600 HORN Upright freezers
43 923002644 02 20061204 HA600 HORN Upright freezers
44 923002645 00 20060323 CA600 CURTISS Upright freezers
45 923002645 01 20060619 CA600 CURTISS Upright freezers
46 923002645 02 20061204 CA600 CURTISS Upright freezers
47 923002645 03 20080825 CA600 CURTISS Upright freezers
48 923002645 05 20090828 CA600 CURTISS Upright freezers
49 923002646 00 20060403 S60K SELECLINE Upright freezers
50 923002646 01 20060619 S60K SELECLINE Upright freezers
51 923002646 02 20061204 S60K SELECLINE Upright freezers
52 923002648 00 20060513 FA600 FUNIX Upright freezers
53 923002648 01 20060619 FA600 FUNIX Upright freezers
54 923002648 02 20061204 FA600 FUNIX Upright freezers
55 923002648 03 20080825 FA600 FUNIX Central ventilation
56 923002648 04 20091006 FA600 FUNIX Central ventilation
57 923002665 00 20080926 S61KA SELECLINE Central ventilation
58 923002665 01 20090829 S61KA SELECLINE Central ventilation
59 923002665 02 20091120 S61KA SELECLINE Central ventilation
60 923002665 03 20101208 S61KA SELECLINE Central ventilation
61 923002665 04 20101209 S61KA SELECLINE Central ventilation
62 923002665 05 20110304 S61KA SELECLINE Central ventilation
63 923002665 06 20120301 S61KA SELECLINE Central ventilation
64 923002670 00 20100324 CA600A CURTISS Central ventilation
65 923002670 01 20110207 CA600A CURTISS Central ventilation
66 923002670 02 20110208 CA600A CURTISS Central ventilation
67 923002670 03 20110224 CA600A CURTISS Central ventilation
68 923002670 05 20110617 CA600A CURTISS Central ventilation
69 923002679 00 20120525 CA600PL IEE Central ventilation
70 933002113 00 20030801 182972_40260 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
71 933002113 01 20040607 182972_40516 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
72 933002113 03 20051014 182972_40852 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
73 933002123 00 20030310 169257_40104 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
74 933002123 00 20030801 169257_40262 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
75 933002123 01 20040607 169257_40262 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
76 933002124 00 20030317 631441_40105 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
77 933002124 00 20030801 631411_40261 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
78 933002137 00 20040503 329019_40397 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
79 933002137 01 20040607 329019_40517 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
80 933002137 03 20051014 329019_40854 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
81 933002141 01 20050601 400/106 LLOYDS Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
82 933002141 02 20051014 400/106 LLOYDS Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
83 933002165 00 20050404 073132_40652 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
84 933002165 01 20051014 073132_40652 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
85 933002199 00 20060123 182972_41025 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
86 933002199 01 20060307 182972_41158 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
87 933002278 01 20040607 LLOYDS160 LLOYDS Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
88 933002339 00 20030425 711334_40111 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
89 933002339 00 20030801 711334_40263 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
90 933002607 00 20030310 859598_40103 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
91 933002612 00 20030425 450028_40110 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
92 933002614 00 20030901 770/906 LLOYDS Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
93 933002632 00 20040503 450028_40110 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
94 933002636 00 20050101 400/115 LLOYDS Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
95 933002814 00 20030801 013012_40166 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
96 933002814 00 20040901 013012_40560 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
97 933002814 01 20050815 013012_40560 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
98 933002820 00 20041001 470/009 LLOYDS Upright freezers
99 933002820 01 20050815 470/009 LLOYDS Upright freezers
100 933002833 00 20050315 673.587-2/40638 SILENTIC Upright freezers
101 933002833 01 20050815 673587_40638 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
102 933002869 00 20060320 673.587-2/41024 SILENTIC Upright freezers
103 933002869 01 20070320 673587_41024 SILENTIC Central ventilation
104 933002870 00 20060320 013012_41021 PRIVILEG Upright freezers
105 933002870 01 20070309 013012_41021 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
106 933002881 00 20060227 TF091-IB PRIMOTECQ Upright freezers
107 933002881 01 20070427 TF091-IB PRIMOTECQ Central ventilation
108 933002881 02 20080625 TF091-IB PRIMOTECQ Central ventilation
109 933002907 00 20040119 711334_40111 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
110 933002907 01 20040607 711334_40519 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
111 933002918 00 20050315 006.146-5/40637 SILENTIC Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
112 933002932 00 20060320 006.146-5/41030 SILENTIC Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
113 933002932 01 20060522 006146_41030 SILENTIC Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
114 933002934 00 20060302 KS135-IB PRIMOTECQ Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
115 933002934 01 20070427 KS135-IB PRIMOTECQ Central ventilation
116 933002938 00 20060717 841296_41147 SILENTIC Central ventilation
117 933002950 00 20071005 KS135-IB PRIMOTECQ Central ventilation
118 933002950 01 20080428 KS135-IB PRIMOTECQ Central ventilation
119 933012040 00 20050315 991787_40649 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
120 933012040 01 20050411 991787_40656 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
121 933012041 00 20050315 450028_40648 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
122 933012041 01 20050411 450028_40654 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
123 933012044 00 20050404 218091-7/40580 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
124 933012044 01 20050411 218091-7/40580 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
125 933012049 00 20050915 528/539 LLOYDS Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
126 933012083 00 20060123 991787_41032 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
127 933012083 01 20060425 991787_41150 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
128 933012084 00 20060131 450028_41033 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
129 933012084 01 20060425 450028_41149 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
130 933012089 00 20060224 528/538 LLOYDS Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
131 933012129 00 20071012 991787_41149 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
132 933012129 01 20071213 00991787_41380 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
133 933012129 02 20080811 00991787_41768 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
134 933012129 03 20081016 00991787_41768 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
135 933012130 01 20071213 00450028_41379 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
136 933012130 02 20080811 00450028_41767 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
137 933012130 03 20081016 00450028_41767 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
138 933012130 04 20091103 450.028-6 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
139 933012130 05 20091104 450.028-6 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
140 933012300 00 20060203 329019_41026 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
141 933012300 01 20060306 329019_41182 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
142 933012316 00 20060508 209259-1/41142 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
143 933012317 01 20060606 220250_41143 PRIVILEG Compressor refrigerators, standard and low energy
144 933012332 00 20060711 559_482_09 LLOYDS Central ventilation
145 933012358 00 20080305 444/413 LLOYDS Central ventilation
146 933012358 01 20080922 444/413 LLOYDS Central ventilation
147 933012361 00 20071025 00209259_41828 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
148 933012361 01 20080908 00209259_41828 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
149 933012361 02 20091102 00209259_41828 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
150 933012361 03 20091103 00209259_41828 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
151 933012362 00 20071012 00220250_41143 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
152 933012362 01 20080908 00220250_41829 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
153 933012362 02 20091012 00220250_41829 PRIVILEG Central ventilation
154 933012362 03 20091013 00220250_41829 PRIVILEG Central ventilation

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    Szállítási Idő 
    1 munkanap
    80 g/db
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